
Continuing my hair journey with ABBOTT CG 210, so what happened after a month plus of religiously using this hair spray-on lotion?

Time flew and it has been over a month since my first encounter with CG210. Just in case you missed it, click here for my previous post about the product. 

As recommended on the instruction, I applied about 5 sprays onto the scalp each morning and night. Since ABBOTT Indonesia gave me two products to try, men & women (scent difference only), I decided to use the men ones for night time use and women ones for day time use. Why? Because I feel the blackcurrant scent for the CG 210 women is too fruity, more suitable for day time use. Meanwhile, I found the mint scent on CG 210 men is subtler for resting time. 

Claimed to put hair shedding back to normal level in 44 days, check out my before after pics below. I even took a shot on my daily hair brush, so you can see how my hair shed lessen over these few weeks. Thankfully, my hair fall situation was not that bad, compare to those who will find hair on their pillow every morning. Mine were just falling all over the hair brush and in the shower. After I use CG 210 for more than a month now, my hair brush & shower sink are just some of the proof of how my hair fall situation has gradually decreased. 


Check out the pic above, that’s how my hair shed every time I brush my hair.

After using CG 210 for a month plus, check out my hair brush below!


Only a few hair were shed when I brush my hair. Awesome!

Check out my hair before and after pic below. If you can see a bald spot on my hair crown before, now it’s gone. Mind the length of my hair, I just had them cut earlier. 


So far, I’m happy with the result, my bald spot is gone and don’t you think my hair look a lot thicker? I’ll definitely update you guys on how my healthier and thicker hair will get better and better in a few weeks to come. If you want to know more about Abbott CG 210, click here


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