If you’ve been following me, you’d know that I’ve been doing Botox for ages already. Lately, I’ve noticed younger people (way younger than moi) already did it too.

Before you do any treatment for your face, especially the ones that will be injected in your skin, you’d better do your research first. Finding a good doctor and a good clinic, is like finding a soul-mate, not a one-size fits all kind of thing.

Unlike filler, there is no reversal for botox. It can’t be undone. So if there’s a mistake done, especially around the eyes when they’re the most fragile ones, we just have to sit and wait for that botox to wear off by themselves within 3-4 months. And that’s exactly what happened to me.

So, to cut this blog post short, I went to a beauty clinic, which was recommended by my regular dermatologist. Since he recommended his fellow colleague, I assumed that he’s also as good as my dermatologist. Boy, I was wrong.

Left: A week after Botox
Right: Mastering The Eyelid Tape

My main objective was to lift my eyes, but since I was to worried to do thread lift, the doctor recommended to do botox instead. He injected 100Units (not just around the eyes but also on my chin and jaws area). No problem on chin and jaws, but a week later I’ve noticed that my eyes looks droopier, and it was hard to open my eyes as their original state. Not just looking droopy, but they also feels heavy. I used to have my natural double eyelids, but since my eyelids dropped, they’re gone. Never had this experience before with my previous doctor, and I don’t want to judge the doctor, but I will not go back to him for sure! FYI, his clinic is located in South Jakarta and on prestigious area, not cheap for sure, but that apparently didn’t guaranteed anything.

I did my research, and turn out when the toxin is injected, it can travel to unintended areas. In some cases, this can caused droopy eyelids, exactly what happened to yours truly. Also, a slight miscalculation, like making the injection too low in the forehead muscle, can cause eyelid drooping.

I went to ophthalmologists and was prescribed eyedrops that was originally made for glaucoma patient. It didn’t help much for me, though. So I guess, maybe I should do Blepharoplasty and remove those eyelids fat. Not for Aesthetics’ purposes only, but I felt like my aging eyes need it desperately.

While waiting for the toxin to wear off naturally, and it feels like ages, I’ve been doing eyelids tape and trying the Japanese eyelids pen. Been trying a couple of locally produced eyelids tape, and the one that worked the most named Floramore. See pics above to see how they helped my droopy eyelids when placed correctly (and let me tell you, applying eyelid tape are such a fuss).

Wish me well, folks. I will update you on my eyelids journey, hopefully the toxin wears off earlier and I can do my blepharoplasty soonest.